Jean began studying these art forms over 30 years ago and has since, risen to prominence in her field. Many of her pieces are included in the collections of Museums, private collections and historical re-actors.
The author of two books, A Quillwork Companion and A Beadwork Companion. Jean has spent a lifetime perfecting techniques and searching for materials authentic to pre-1840 Native American cultures ; and then incorporating everything into multi media master pieces of North American native art.
The Horse in the Blackfoot Culture and The Horse and Dog in the Hidatsu Culture, both describe in detail the use of a soft pad saddle, made from brain tanned leather, stuffed with buffalo hair, and cottonwood stirrups covered with buffalo rawhide. These saddles were used by men, on short hunting or war party trips.
Jean’s saddles are not just made to look like the real thing, but she actually rides them. This saddle is a real, usable saddle.
Jean brain tans her own leather and hand dyes the porcupine quills, to make each piece a truly unique and beautiful piece of art. If you are a re-enactor or just want to own a beautiful example of porcupine quill work, Jean’s work is the best. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
Jean brain tans her own leather and hand dyes the porcupine quills, to make each piece a truly unique and beautiful piece of art. If you are a re-enactor or just want to own a beautiful example of porcupine quill work, Jean’s work is the best. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
Jean shows off the diversity of her artistry with this beautiful hand painted brain tanned deer skin robe. It is painted with earth pigments mied with hide glue and painted with sharpened sticks and bone brushes. 3.5 ft 4.5 ft. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Here is a beautiful hand made jacket made from brain tanned deer that Jean tanned herself. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
Jean brain tans her own leather and hand dyes the porcupine quills, to make each piece a truly unique and beautiful piece of art. If you are a re-enactor or just want to own a beautiful example of porcupine quill work, Jean’s work is the best. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
Jean brain tans her own leather and hand dyes the porcupine quills, to make each piece a truly unique and beautiful piece of art. If you are a re-enactor or just want to own a beautiful example of porcupine quill work, Jean’s work is the best. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
These are made from elk parfleche and painted with earth pigments mixed with hide glue. They are designed to be used on a pack horse for carrying anything from food, to picket stakes and ropes. Not only are they beautiful, but they are made to be used. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
Jean brain tans her own leather and hand dyes the porcupine quills, to make each piece a truly unique and beautiful piece of art. If you are a re-enactor or just want to own a beautiful example of porcupine quill work, Jean’s work is the best. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
Jean brain tans her own leather and hand dyes the porcupine quills, to make each piece a truly unique and beautiful piece of art. If you are a re-enactor or just want to own a beautiful example of porcupine quill work, Jean’s work is the best. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.
Jean brain tans her own leather and hand dyes the porcupine quills, to make each piece a truly unique and beautiful piece of art. If you are a re-enactor or just want to own a beautiful example of porcupine quill work, Jean’s work is the best. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery.